home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 s=5590:hh=s+30:dd=s+93:rem sid menu by harry bratt
- 5 dim h$(9),f$(9),m$(9),n$(9),p$(9)
- 10 poke 53280,6:poke 53281,6:print"[147]";
- 20 for k=1 to 25:print:print" [157][148] ";:next
- 25 sys hh:poke 53281,0:s$="":print""
- 26 poke 53265,11:print""
- 30 prints$"[157][157][157] [172][146][172][187][187][172][187] [146][161][161][146][161][172][187][187][162][187]
- 31 [153]s$"logwaitlognewnewrndnewwaitcosgetwaitgetgetwaitgetgetwaitgetgetnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewrnd
- 32 prints$"[161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][172][162][161][161][162][146][190][161][146] [161][188][190][161][146] [162]
- 33 [153]s$"logwaitlogcoscoswaitcosloglogwaitlogcosgetwaitgetgetwaitcosloglogwaitlogcosgetwaitrndnewwait logwaitlognewwait "
- 34 [153][166]25)"newnewwait*
- 54 print" [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]!'s music system "
- 56 print" for the [195]ommodore 64"
- 60 print "[185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][157][148][185]"
- 62 for k=1 to 4
- 63 print "[155][182] [146][181][182] [146][181][157][148] "
- 66 print "[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][157][148][192]"
- 68 next
- 70 print "[155][182] [146][181][182] [146][181][157][148] "
- 75 print "[184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][157][148][184]"
- 80 print"[185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][157][148][185]"
- 82 for k=1 to 3
- 83 print"[182] [182][144] [181] [146][181][157][148] ":next
- 86 print"[184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][157][148][184]"
- 200 rem sprites
- 205 for k=832 to 895:poke k,0:next
- 210 poke 53269,3 :poke 53271,3 :poke 53277,3 :poke 53287,0:poke 53288,0
- 214 poke 53248,34:poke 53249,218:poke 53250,32:poke 53251,218:poke 53264,2
- 216 poke 2040,13:poke 2041,13:k=832
- 222 fora=0 to 6:poke k+a*3,238:poke k+a*3+1,78:poke k+a*3+2,238:next
- 224 forb=a*3 to a*3+16:poke k+b,68:next
- 300 rem
- 310 poke 214,9:fork=0 to 8step2:read h$(k),h$(k+1),f$(k),f$(k+1)
- 312 print:print"[155]"h$(k)""h$(k+1):next
- 320 for k=0 to 9:read m$(k),n$(k),p$(k):next
- 350 x=0:y=0:i=1:j=15:c0=55714
- 360 poke 214,9+y*2:print:g=y*2+x:printspc(21*x)"[161]"h$(g):poke c0+y*80+x*21,1
- 361 poke 53265,27
- 362 zp=0:poke 214,20:print
- 365 printspc(8)"[155]"m$(g):printspc(8)""n$(g):printspc(8)""p$(g)"[145][145][145]"
- 370 get a$:if a$="" goto 370
- 371 if a$="[209]" goto 450
- 372 if a$=chr$(13) goto 500
- 375 q=asc(a$):b=(q=145)-(q=17):a=-(q=157)-(q=29):if (aorb)=0 goto 400
- 380 poke 214,9+y*2:print:printspc(21*x)"[155][161]"h$(y*2+x):pokec0+y*80+x*21,15
- 385 y=y+b:x=abs(x-a):y=y-5*(y<0):y=y+5*(y>4):goto 360
- 400 rem help stuff
- 405 zp=1-zp:if zp=0 goto 362
- 411 printspc(8)"[155][195]ursor keys=select file "
- 412 printspc(8)" [210]eturn=load file "
- 413 printspc(8)" [211]hift-[209]=quit program"
- 415 goto 370
- 450 gosub455:end
- 455 sys dd:poke53280,14:poke53281,6:poke 53269,0:print"[147][154]"chr$(14+128)chr$(9);
- 460 return
- 500 rem load
- 505 gosub455
- 512 print"load "chr$(34)f$(y*2+x)".64"chr$(34)",8"
- 515 print"run";
- 520 poke 198,2:poke 631,13:poke 632,13
- 545 end
- 600 data "[211]id [208]layer ","[211]id [197]ditor "
- 601 data "sid player","sid editor"
- 602 data "[208]olycon utility ","[213]tldur utility "
- 603 data "polycon","utldur"
- 604 data "[211]peed[211]cript->.wds","[197]asy[211]cript->.wds "
- 605 data "ss/wds","es/wds"
- 606 data "[211]id [195]opier ","[194]asic [205]erge [196]emo "
- 607 data "sid copier","sid demo"
- 608 data "[205]erge utility ","[197]xtract utility "
- 609 data "merge","extract"
- 700 data " [208]lays [211]id[208]layer songs! "
- 701 data "[146] (press space bar "
- 702 data "[146] for instructions.) "
- 703 data " [204]ets you enter, edit "
- 704 data " and play back "
- 705 data " [211]id[208]layer music files. "
- 706 data " [193] utility to convert "
- 707 data " a solo voice into "
- 708 data " polyphonic voices. "
- 709 data " [193] utility which changes"
- 710 data " a given range of notes "
- 711 data " into utility durations."
- 712 data " [195]onverts [211]peed[211]cript "
- 713 data "text into a .[215][196][211] file to"
- 714 data "use as a [211]ingalong song."
- 715 data " [195]onverts [197]asy[211]cript "
- 716 data "text into a .[215][196][211] file to"
- 717 data "use as a [211]ingalong song."
- 718 data "[193] convenient way to copy"
- 719 data " any number of music, "
- 720 data " words or picture files."
- 721 data " [193] demo of [211]id[208]layer "
- 722 data " music merged with a "
- 723 data " [194][193][211][201][195] program. "
- 724 data " [204]ets you combine "
- 725 data " several music files to "
- 726 data " form one large file. "
- 727 data " [204]ets you extract a "
- 728 data " given range of notes "
- 729 data " from a song. "